Ethan Hay

Behind the Mask

Ethan Hay

Year: 11
School: Warnbro Community High School
Medium: Photographic Print

Artist statement: In this photograph I am attempting to create an image that examines identity and the nature of the false mask that is worn to negotiate ones path through modern society. Daily life is full of experiences where strangers surround us, who we must associate with, this could be a bus driver, bank teller, policemen, teacher or any individual going about their normal abstract business.

I am amazed that we can find ways of dealing with each other and that we use rules that seem un-natural. We put aside fear and deal with total strangers and use a mask to hide our true feelings. We live under constant stress whilst in this state and happiness is only achieved when we are in the comfort of known friends and kin.

We wear a mask.”

Year selected and School represented
2017, Warnbro Community High School
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