Jasmyne Tweed

What makes us human

Jasmyne Tweed

Year: 10
School: Byford Secondary College
Medium: Mixed-media on paper and collage box

Artist statement: As an artist, I wanted to create a piece that represents all the things that make us human. From the anatomical formation, to emotion, I wanted this piece to showcase all sides of what people believe makes us human.
When creating this piece I was inspired by the German tattoo style, Trash Polka, which traditionally has the colour pallet of red, black, grey and white. The meaning of Trash Polka originated from human caused destruction and is done so by blending abstract designs with realistic images.
By creating this piece, I have created artwork that everyone is able to relate to because even though we all come from different walks of life, what makes one person human, makes another.”

Year selected and School represented
2017, Byford Secondary College
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