Stephanie Tan


Stephanie Tan

Year: 11
School: Willetton Senior High School
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Artist statement: My painting is a self-portrait that expresses the other side of the things you see on social media. Many people on social media put on a deceptive mask to ‘crop out’ the negativities in their life to show that they’re content. I’ve painted myself in the foreground with a sombre expression and used the laptop in the background, displaying a social media site, as the focal point. The majority of my artwork consists of hues of blue and green in very dark tones. These gloomy colours create the dreary atmosphere I attempt to capture in my painting, symbolic of the feelings of isolation and loneliness. The only section that is bright and colourful is the laptop which emphasises the glamorous lives people present on social media. The style that I have painted my face in is a representation of the disguise people wear to hide from reality as the rest of the artwork is painted in a more realistic style.

Year selected and School represented
2017, Willetton SHS
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