Arshdeep Matharoo

Picture Not Perfect

Arshdeep Matharoo

Year 9
School: Harrisdale Senior High School
Medium: Pencil and acrylic paint on paper

Artist statement: My artwork was made using graphite pencils to create a monochromatic portrait in a realistic style. I used different shades and blending techniques to create depth and three-dimensional form so viewers perceive it as being real. The borders are designed to create the effect of the artwork popping out of its original frame. The backdrop was made by blending brightly coloured paint to contrast with the grey of the face. The work is named ‘Picture Not Perfect’ because of the different angles that each of the different frames is drawn onto. The rotation of images makes it seem as if the photo inside the frame has somehow fallen out and creates an optical illusion. Drawing has been and still is a big part of my art practice and helps me express thoughts that I may not be able to do so easily with words.


Year selected and School represented
2020, Harrisdale Senior High School
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