Sophie Manning

Mortal Terror

Sophie Manning

Year 12
School: School of Isolated and Distance Education
Medium: Charcoal on paper

Artist statement: This is an achromatic close-up portrait of an old man. I used a chiaroscuro effect on the right side of the composition, creating a strong focal point on the eyes, which are central to the image and show a concerned expression. This piece is a representation of the powerful emotions which people felt during the most painful and distressing phase of the pandemic in WA, and the effects it has had on older people in particular. My intention was to get viewers to feel empathy. The man’s face was influenced by the artist Kathe Kollwitz, who used black contouring lines and a powerful style to suggest compassion and sorrow, similar to the emotions which I am trying to convey in my art. I wanted to express the fragility of life.

Year selected and School represented
2020, Schools of Isolated and Distance Education
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